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Capital: Revildar

Ruler: Romane Ironfall

Races: Dwarfs (65%), Rock Gnomes (15%), Humans (15%), Goliath (3%), Halflings (2%)

Spirits: The Spirit of Order, The Spirit of Tradition, The Spirit of the Forge

Moxora is the last of the great Dwarven Kingdoms, with the House of Ironfall being the last of the royal lines in Aevenost. The nation prides itself on its deep connection with its ancestors, with its capital, Revildar, being the oldest and grandest of the Dwarven Great Cities that is still inhabited.

Relationships with Other Nations




Elves and Dwarves interact as little as possible, and as such the two nations

respectfully ignore one another.

The Hillari


The two nations are members of “The Concord”, and as such have a mutual

defence treaty and significant trade relations.


For those Dwarven craftsmen who wish to trade with the Elves of Falinel,

Depaly is practically the only port through which this is possible.


The two nations are members of “The Concord”, and as such have a mutual defence treaty and significant trade relations. However, they were two of the original combatants which lead to the “Scouring of the East”, and as such

significant tension still exists.


The two nations are members of “The Concord”, and as such have a mutual

defence treaty and significant trade relations.


Due to the blockades that the Holy Javian Empire often impose on the

western nations, Homity is the main trade port which connects Moxora’s

good with the other half of the continent.



The Holy Javian


The two nations are members of “The Concord”, and as such have a mutual

defence treaty and significant trade relations.


The Dwarves of Moxora hold a deep cultural hatred for both Orcs and Giants,

and as such view the association of Aley with those races as disgusting.

Western Javia


The Scar


Axcari Desert


Vocay Totsu


Malani Desert


The Republic of


These two nations feel some kinship for one another as the two Dwarven populations in Aevenost, but have little association due to the great distance

between them.

The Dragon Fall


Great Steppes

The Dwarves of Moxora still hold their cultural hatred for the Orcs and Giants, and some within Moxora believe that they should conduct a war of

extermination against the northern continent.