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Melvin’s Pearls of Power

5 large black pearls on a dull metal chain, created for the family Coldane and last used by the wizard Melvin Coldane, who they were buried with. The pearls were designed to hold magical power, and even magical knowledge.

Lesser Benefits

When a wearer is attuned to the pearls, they get the following benefits:

  • The wearer gains proficiency in Arcana. If they already had proficiency, they instead gain expertise.

  • The wearer can cast Detect Magic at will without using a spell slot.

  • The wearer can cast Identify once per day without using a spell slot, and can treat the spell as though they had it prepared.

Further Benefits

A wearer who is attuned to the Pearls of Power gains further benefits from them after they have completed the two tasks below. Regardless of the order completed, the lesser power is unlocked and then the greater.

  • Task One: Do a great service for Moxora or slay a great enemy of the Coldanes.

  • Task Two: Defeat three enemy spellcasters of equal or greater level in single-combat (Or equivalent), one of each the arcane, divine and nature traditions.